Tuesday, March 15, 2022

People are needs progressing as a humanity.


As people are progressing as a human race into the future, the genuine essence of humanity is being corrupted slowly. It is important to recall that the acts of humanity need to now no longer have any type of private benefit at the back of them like fame, cash or power.

The global we stay in nowadays is split through borders however the attain we are able to have is limitless. We are fortunate sufficient to have the liberty to journey everywhere and enjoy some thing we want for. A lot of countries combat continuously to gather land which ends up within side the lack of many harmless lives.

Similarly, different humanitarian disaster just like the ones in Yemen, Syria, Myanmar and greater fees the lives of greater than tens of thousands and thousands of people. The scenario isn't resolving every time soon, therefore we want humanity for this.

Most importantly, humanity does now no longer simply restriction to people however additionally being concerned for the surroundings and each residing being. We need to all come collectively to expose genuine humanity and assist out different people, animals and our surroundings to heal and prosper.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

অটিজম, সিপি ও বুদ্ধিপ্রতিবন্ধীদের জন্য সেলাই শেখানো


cvVt †PvL I nv‡Zi Av½y‡ji Co-ordination.



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2| Kzkb, cvwL, Kzwgi, U‡g‡Uv, ÷ª‡eix, Av½yi, †evZvg Ni †mjvB, †evZvg jvMv‡bv| 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cerebral Palsy Definition

Cerebral palsy is a term used to describe a collection of disorders caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the brain that occurs around the time of birth or early in life.
Cerebral palsy causes problems with muscle tone, movement, balance and/or coordination. Symptoms and effects range from mild to severe. In some infants, problems are evident soon after birth. In others, diagnosis comes in later infancy or toddlerhood.

Cerebral Palsy Types

There are many ways to classify cerebral palsy. When describing the type of movement impairment, providers often talk about spastic and mixed cerebral palsy.

Spastic Cerebral Palsy

Spastic cerebral palsy is characterized by increased muscle tone. Muscles are unusually tight and stiff, which affects movement and growth. Spastic cerebral palsy is often associated with damage to or developmental differences in the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex. Spastic cerebral palsy encompasses approximately 80 percent of all cases of cerebral palsy.
There are three main types of spastic cerebral palsy—each affecting different areas of the body:
  • Diplegia affects the legs more than the arms. This type of cerebral palsy is most common in premature babies.
  • Hemiplegia affects one side of the body. This type of cerebral palsy is most common in babies who’ve experienced strokes or traumatic brain injuries.
  • Quadriplegia affects the entire body—the legs and the arms. This type of cerebral palsy is most common in babies who experience a lack of oxygen.

Mixed Presentation

Mixed cerebral palsy describes people who experience features of both spastic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy. This type of cerebral palsy is associated with damage to multiple areas of the brain.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Computer aided teaching

The choice of activities and exercises, adapted to the level of acquisition and emerging abilities, will depend on the assessment. It is these exercises which will have to be integrated into a computer programme. A great many exercises, which are well adapted to the specificities of the autist's learning difficulties, already exist.
Computerization of some of these exercises could be quite easily undertaken. One could also look at existing educational computer programmes for exercises, which although not specifically developed for autistic people, could very well be of an appropriate level and which do not, above all, present any disconcerting characteristics for autistic people. It is, moreover, in this category that the highest number of computer experiments may be found. Finally, teachers could also invent new exercises which make specific use of the progressive animation and integration capacities of several of the new tool's sensorial modes.
To this end, writing aids for educational programmes have been developed which may either assist in the creation of new programmes or in enhanced personalization of educational programmes. Consideration and examination of the progress made in understanding autism will be extremely important, ensuring that educational programmes are fully adapted to the specificities of this syndrome.
In a more targeted approach to the possibilities provided in the field of educational programmes, one may, in relation with the WHO's classification of handicaps: Deficiency, Disability and Handicap, submitted by Wood in 1980 distinguish three levels of intervention:
  • interventions which aim to reduce the "deficiency", that is to say which involve cerebral plasticity;
  • interventions which aim to compensate the "disability" by offering standard learning exercises which have been adapted to the specificities of autism; and finally,
  • interventions involving the handicap itself, that is to say which aim at developing social skills, thereby enabling better social integration. It is evident that regarding the current status of the research into the causes of autism, the first type of educational programme, which aims at acting on one or several specific deficiencies encountering in autism, is only in its infancy.
In contrast to this, however, several experiments involving computer aided teaching in the second area would appear to show encouraging results. It is very important to remember the autistic person's difficulties with memorization, sensorial integration, attention span and generalization which have been highlighted by recent research into this disorder.
As far as exercises which promote socialization are concerned, fairly good educational programmes are now available. Here again, the "Multimedia" technology ought to enable exercises to be offered which more closely match real (social) situations.

Assistance in communication

Up to now, computer technology has above all been used as a communications aid in cases of cerebral motory disabilities. Depending on the brain damaged person's motory and intellectual abilities, various communications systems based on a pointing method using pictures, symbols or even words displayed on a screen, enable a level of communication which considerably increases the person's autonomy.
This type of use with non verbal autistic people or those experiencing difficulties in expressing themselves verbally has been experimented with by various specialists. This may involve pointing systems using drawings or symbols, similar to the communication cards already used by a number of autistic people to communicate with their entourage. By combining the principle of card communication with the possibilities provided by computers, new fields of application will be developed. For instance, voice synthesis which enables easier communication with an interlocutor or the system of unfolding pictures.
For some autistic people, who do manage to learn to read and write, communication using a computer keyboard or reception using a visual document, either displayed on a computer screen or printed up, could be easier than verbal communication or reception, especially due to the marked preference shown by a high number of autistic people for visual stimuli but also because of the permanence of visual stimuli compared with the transitory nature of auditory stimuli. However, great care is called for in this area in view of certain overly optimistic views linked to the use of a technique known as "Facilitated Communication".
Information technologies can indeed facilitate communication in a more general manner, in particularly via computer networks. This kind of infrastructure could indeed constitute a potentially very powerful and rapid source of information exchanges, for instance the "INTERNET" network."INTERNET" links up several computer networks worldwide, with these being mainly used by universities.
An Electronic Mailing List particularly devoted to autism has already been set up, in which professionals, parents of autistic people and autistic people capable of using a computer keyboard can take part. Other discussions devoted to autism have emerged in discussion groups of a more general nature, called NEWSGROUPS, which operate within the USENET network. A great number of other subjects concerning psychiatry are dealt with by these networks. Some discussions are open to a wide public: professionals and non professionals alike rub shoulders, which can occasionally be irritating for some but is often a very interesting experience. Other discussions are only open to specialists, with access being controlled by the specialists themselves.

The research models

I do not wish to consider the use of computers and computer technology to be found in most medical research laboratories: this is a tool for statistical analysis, graphical representation, signal processing, etc... I am thinking more of computer technology which, by modifying one or several parameters, is able to describe and analyse certain brain activity. In some cases, the computer model can even simulate this activity, thereby providing scientists with an experimental field previously not available to them for obvious ethical reasons. Recent developments in symbolic Artificial Intelligence and the exploration work carried out in the field of so called "neuronal" computers, sometimes also known as connectionist systems, have provided neuro psychologists and neuro-biologists with exploration models, enabling them to test their hypotheses. Indeed, I am of the opinion that this could be an area of profitable cooperation between scientists working in the field of autism and those doing research on Artificial Intelligence.
The latter find themselves confronted by the "pathologies" of their artificial systems: learning difficulties, rigid behaviour patterns, the near impossibility of making generalizations based on previous experience and above all the difficulty of integrating several outside stimulus at the same time. There is no doubt that, as already mentioned earlier, this will involve working in an area in which some will be able to rediscover with pleasure their fascination for the world of computer technology.

Practical implementations

Although some years ago one of the main obstacles to the implementation of computer aided educational programmes was the price of the equipment, this aspect has now become a secondary consideration. Indeed, first rate computer hardware/software can be bought at very reasonable prices. The difficulties encountered are of two kinds:
  • human difficulties,
  • technical difficulties.
But new wine must be put into new bottles. It is, indeed, much easier to quote this saying from the Bible than to put it into actual practice. The use of computer technology may require changes in the care, whether therapeutic or educational, afforded autistic people. Such changes must be prepared. The resistance which this technology may give rise to will have to be considered: "It doesn't work, it's useless. We are going to make our children in robots, they will become prisoners of mechanical behaviour, etc..."
In the first part of my paper, I dealt with the importance of only considering the computer as a useful aid in caring for autistic people and not as a finality in itself. This at least partly answers some of the fears expressed. As far as the computer aided programmes lack of efficiency is concerned, it is difficult to be convincing by opposing theoretical arguments. It is far better to promote exchanges with teams who have already gained experience in this field.
This leads me to talk about another prerequisite for implementation of computer technology and above all the necessary adjustments to be made during use. It is important that the various teams, who have decided to adopt computer technology, are given the opportunity of frequent and practical communication between themselves. This will then lead up to the second area of difficulties, those which concern the technical aspect. To promote such exchanges, communication tools, like those already mentioned in the first section, will have to be set up. Although communication networks, such as INTERNET, exist more or less worldwide and the equipment required for writing and reading messages has become considerably cheaper, there are not very many access points, at least not outside the USA.
As an illustration, there are more than ten million people linked to INTERNET in the USA and less than 500,000 for all of Europe. Since it is above all universities and scientists who use these networks, the USA's lead over the rest of the field can be appreciated.

Looking for suitable Programmes

To return to the more immediate implementation of computer aided solutions, especially within the field of computer aided teaching, one will have to look and see which existing programmes are most suited to the person's learning abilities. This is not a particularly easy task. There is no general list classifying education or recreational computer programmes on the basis of their cognitive level.
One must not forget to examine non specialized programmes, whether this concerns educational programmes or games. The informed professional may very well find unexpected resources, which will no doubt require some adaptation and/or departure from the programme's original intention. Some games, for instance, can provide an opportunity for learning social skills: learning to play in turns for example. Computer simulation in a known environment can help the person to learn basic rules, frequently impossible in a real situation,...
Programmes known as utilities, such as word processing programmes or computer aided programmes for artistic creation are another source of assistance for the mentally handicapped and autistic people. The mentally handicapped people frequently have difficulty in executing a task such as writing or drawing. This does not involve a lack of artistic ability but rather difficulties linked to disorders accompanying their handicap, motory problems, precise coordination, slowness, etc.
An interesting aspect of computer technology is that it accepts a certain degree of error. Word processing programmes enable typing errors to be corrected, some even correct spelling mistakes. Computer aided graphics programmes allow the "painter" to go back over the drawing if it is not quite right. In both cases, one does not have to start again from scratch. This type of programme can be used to help a person tell a story, either with the use of the text or with the help of drawings or even both at once. This can be done individually or collectively. One may also envisage the same type of possibility with certain programmes specifically designed for musical creation.

Lack of Standardisation

Another difficulty resides in the lack of standardization of educational material and programmes. Once the first step involving the choice of programme suited to the needs of a particular person has been reached and even taken, the programme will then have to have been rewritten for the educational team's specific type of equipment. Nonetheless, there are some excellent suppliers of educational programmes which operate with several types of computers. These are unfortunately too few and far between.
A number of programmes are poorly suited to the specific needs of people with learning difficulties, especially autistic people. Some are written by experts in specialized teaching and are thus very good from the didactic point of view but their technical qualities are often not up to scratch: insufficiently reliable, insufficiently flexible, laborious implementation, etc. Other programmes have been written by computer scientists which, despite evident good will and obvious computer skills, have only been able to create programmes with generally fairly limited teaching qualities. There is a crying need for coordination between the two groups. Beyond these two specialties and in light of the complexity of the group of people for whom these programmes are developed, it would be good if multi disciplinary teams, including teachers, psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, as well as cognitive specialists and occupational therapists took part in the development of educational programmes. As a step in this direction, the following associations: Autisme France, Autisme Europe, the ARAPI and the UNAPEI have organized, in conjunction with IBM France's computer centre and services to the handicapped, France Telcom, an international conference on the subject of Autism and Computer Technology, which brought together specialists from various fields. This conference was held in Nice (France) at the ACROPOLIS in January 1995.
The five themes, mentioned earlier, have been presented:
We hope that this conference has provided the opportunity of establishing links between the various teams interested in the application of computer technology in the field of autism. I, for my part, am convinced that by considering the specific needs of autistic people and by using the appropriate computer techniques to meet these needs, we shall provide important assistance to the cognitive and social development of autistic people.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Impairment, Disability and Handicap

The words “impairment,” “disability,” and “handicap,” are often used interchangeably.  They have very different meanings, however.  The differences in meaning are important for understanding the effects of neurological injury on development.


The most commonly cited definitions are those provided by the World Health Organization (1980) in The International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps:


Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function.


 Any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.


A disadvantage for a given individual that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal

As traditionally used, impairment refers to a problem with a structure or organ of the body; disability is a functional limitation with regard to a particular activity; and handicap refers to a disadvantage in filling a role in life relative to a peer group.

Examples to illustrate the differences among the terms "impairment," "disability," and "handicap."

1.  CP example:  David is a 4-yr.-old who has a form of cerebral palsy (CP) called spastic diplegia.  David's CP causes his legs to be stiff, tight, and difficult to move.  He cannot stand or walk.


 The inability to move the legs easily at the joints and inability to bear weight on the feet is an impairment.  Without orthotics and surgery to release abnormally contracted muscles, David's level of impairment may increase as imbalanced muscle contraction over a period of time can cause hip dislocation and deformed bone growth.  No treatment may be currently available to lessen David's impairment.


 David's inability to walk is a disability.  His level of disability can be improved with physical therapy and special equipment.  For example, if he learns to use a walker, with braces, his level of disability will improve considerably.


 David's cerebral palsy is handicapping to the extent that it prevents him from fulfilling a normal role at home, in preschool, and in the community.  His level of handicap has been only very mild in the early years as he has been well-supported to be able to play with other children, interact normally with family members and participate fully in family and community activities.  As he gets older, his handicap will increase where certain sports and physical activities are considered "normal" activities for children of the same age.  He has little handicap in his preschool classroom, though he needs some assistance to move about the classroom and from one activity to another outside the classroom.  Appropriate services and equipment can reduce the extent to which cerebral palsy prevents David from fulfilling a normal role in the home, school and community as he grows.

2.  LD example:  Cindy is an 8-year-old who has extreme difficulty with reading (severe dyslexia).  She has good vision and hearing and scores well on tests of intelligence.  She went to an excellent preschool and several different special reading programs have been tried since early in kindergarten.


While no brain injury or malformation has been identified, some impairment is presumed to exist in how Cindy's brain puts together visual and auditory information.  The impairment may be inability to associate sounds with symbols, for example.


 In Cindy's case, the inability to read is a disability.  The disability can probably be improved by trying different teaching methods and using those that seem most effective with Cindy.  If the impairment can be explained, it may be possible to dramatically improve the disability by using a method of teaching that does not require skills that are impaired (That is, if the difficulty involves learning sounds for letters, a sight-reading approach can improve her level of disability).


Cindy already experiences a handicap as compared with other children in her class at school, and she may fail third grade.   Her condition will become more handicapping as she gets older if an effective approach is not found to improve her reading or to teach her to compensate for her reading difficulties.  Even if the level of disability stays severe (that is, she never learns to read well), this will be less handicapping if she learns to tape lectures and "read" books on audiotapes.  Using such approaches, even in elementary school, can prevent her reading disability from interfering with her progress in other academic areas (increasing her handicap).

Source : http://adf.ly/1XfmN0

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
Common symptoms of ADHD include:
  • a short attention span or being easily distracted
  • restlessness, constant fidgeting or overactivity
  • being impulsive
ADHD can occur in people of any intellectual ability, although it is more common in people with learning difficulties. People with ADHD may also have additional problems, such as sleep and anxiety disorders.
Symptoms of ADHD tend to be first noticed at an early age, and may become more noticeable when a child's circumstances change, such as when they start school. Most cases are diagnosed in children between the ages of 6 and 12.
The symptoms of ADHD usually improve with age, but many adults who are diagnosed with the condition at a young age will continue to experience problems.
Read more about the symptoms of ADHD.

Getting help 

Many children go through phases where they are restless or inattentive. This is often completely normal and does not necessarily mean they have ADHD.
However, you should consider raising your concerns with your child's teacher, their school's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) or GP if you think their behaviour may be different to most children their age.
It's also a good idea to speak to your GP if you are an adult and you think you may have ADHD, but you were not diagnosed with the condition as a child.
Read more about diagnosing ADHD.

What causes ADHD?

The exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but the condition has been shown to run in families, and research has identified a number of possible differences in the brains of people with ADHD compared to those who don't have the condition.
Other factors that have been suggested as potentially having a role in ADHD include:
  • being born prematurely (before the 37th week of pregnancy)
  • having a low birthweight
  • smoking, alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy
Read more about the causes of ADHD.

How common is ADHD?

ADHD is the most common behavioural disorder in the UK. It's unknown exactly how many people have the condition, but most estimates suggest if affects around 2-5% of school-aged children and young people.
Childhood ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in boys than girls.
Girls with ADHD often have a form of the condition where the main symptoms relate to problems with attention rather than hyperactivity, which can cause less noticeable symptoms. It is therefore possible that ADHD could be underdiagnosed in girls, and could be more common than previously thought.

How ADHD is treated

There is no cure for ADHD, but it can be managed with appropriate educational support, advice and support for parents and affected children, alongside medication, if necessary.
Medication is often the first treatment offered to adults with ADHD, although psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) may also help.
Read more about treating ADHD.

Living with ADHD

Looking after a child with ADHD can be challenging, but it is important to remember that they cannot help their behaviour.
Some issues that may arise in day-to-day life include:
  • getting your child to sleep at night
  • getting ready for school on time
  • listening to and carrying out instructions
  • being organised
  • social occasions
  • shopping
Adults with ADHD may also find they have similar problems, and some may have issues with drugs, crime and employment.
Read about living with ADHD for information on ways to cope with these issues.

Child health 6-15

Information on child health, including healthy diet, fitness, sex education and exam stress
Page last reviewed: 15/05/2014


Special child Success Stories

Success Stories Picture Success Stories

My daughter, Aimee, is autistic. She didn’t talk and would not give me any eye contact. I had traveled to visit my mother, and before I left, I had purchased pull-ups for nighttime, but I forgot to bring them.
It was evening and Aimee had some orange juice. She gave me the sign language for more. I then said (more or less to myself rather than her), "Oh, I forgot the pull-ups. I’m afraid if you have too much to drink you’ll wet the bed. I should’ve brought them." She continued to sign "more." I continued to mutter. Finally, she looked me in the eyes, and fervently said, "I," pointing to herself, "want more," giving sign for more, "or-ange juice, please." Needless to say she got her juice! - L.T., Hamilton, NJ

I am not a parent, but a proud older sister of a 15-year-old brother who is blind and autistic. As a child, Meir would constantly get upset when something would bother him. Getting upset included screaming uncontrollably and getting completely out of hand. With the loving and constant guidance of my parents, Meir (even though he has a long way to go), expresses himself way better than before. - S.S., Brooklyn, NY

My youngest son, Brayden, was born three months premature with heart and brain defects. He is now 4 ½ years old. He is multi-handicapable. When he was young, the doctors told us he probably wouldn't survive, much less ever sit, walk, talk, or eat. He began eating orally a year and a half ago. He began talking one year ago, and is now nearly age appropriate in expressive communication! The most exciting accomplishment, however, is his walking. He had a bilateral tendon release on his hamstrings and gastrocs last November. Since recovering from the surgery, he began pulling to stand, cruising furniture, and could take up to 6 independent steps, even without his walker! Only other parents of children with special needs can understand the intense emotion that surrounds such feats!
Now, he is walking around the house with little assistance and now able to squat to pick something up and stand up again without help!! I cannot wait for the day that he can walk up to those nay-saying doctors and show them who is really in charge!! - J.B., Bartlesville, OK

My almost 7-year-old is only about 4 months in her development and very tiny (the size of a 15-month-old). She has never done anything "age appropriate" til now... she just lost her first tooth and has 3 more loose ones, just like a "normal" 6-year-old. It's funny to see my family so excited about something so small to most people. - J.J., Denton, MD

I would like to share with you my story of my son. "S" was born at 26 weeks gestation weighing 880 grams (1 lb. 15 oz). After 81 days in the NICU and a typical course of being a preemie with all of their complications, he came home weighing 4 lbs. 3 oz. Such a joy! He received early intervention services for a time, but was discharged after about a year because he was hitting his developmental milestones and seemed to be on track.
When he was 18 months old, we were in a car wreck which left him a low-level quadriplegic. After five months of the ICU, rehab, and another stay in the ICU, he came home. Such a joy! He again received early intervention services under a new diagnosis and later was transitioned into the school system for services. He has since had multiple hospitalizations for pneumonia, seizures, and surgeries (the most recent being anterior and posterior spinal fusion).
"S" is now 13 years old and a Boy Scout Second Class. Two weeks ago he was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society - SUCH A JOY! I am very proud of my son! - A.S., Fredericksburg, VA

My son, Christian, was born with a genetic anomoly (2p+) and has since been diagnosed with autism. My wife and I went through the typical grieving and realignment of our own expectations through his younger years. Through all of the doctors, teachers and therapists, we have asked for just one blessing for our family: We prayed that he would be able to communicate with us.
We moved to Houston a couple of years ago and enrolled him in the school program. He has a teacher that loves him dearly and several assistants that take exceptional care of him. His language skills had blossomed from a single word to several one-word responses in a short period of time. One weekend, my wife had left town to attend a family wedding, and I had stayed behind with Christian and his brother, Noah. We went to a local amusement restaurant, since they enjoy playing the games and watching the activities. That evening, as we drove home from the restaurant, Christian began speaking in whole sentences and just "talked my leg off" the entire way home. We joked and he told me all about his evening. Christian's language explosion has continued for several months and has even expanded. He is able to communicate all of his wants and needs and is able to respond to many questions from his parents and teachers.
His language skills are not 100% and they probably never will be, but we could not ask for more than we have already received. Our son can now talk with us and we are grateful. - J.H., Houston, TX

I have so many success stories with my 15-year-old non-verbal autistic son. Communication breakthroughs are my favorites. My favorite moment was when I truly realized that there is a real normal boy inside my son that just can't get out in the typical ways. I had been trying to teach my son how to nod his head yes. He could say the word, "no," but he had no way to indicate the word "yes." So, when he was 13 years old, I decided to work hard on teaching him to nod. He would come home from school and we would work hard on nodding. One day, once again, I said to my son "Eric, nod your head yes," and he looked at me and struggled for a moment and very clearly said, "I can't." I wasn't sure I had heard right so I asked him to nod his head again and he said, "I can't." For two weeks, whenever I asked him to nod, he would say "I can't." I was so incredibly excited. He was right, he couldn't nod his head yes. So, I then taught him to say hmm-mmm for yes and he is able to do that. Now he can communicate yes!
One other moment that truly made me look at Eric different was at lunchtime one day. I was making him choose between lunch items and he was having a hard time. For 15 minutes we went back and forth on choosing. He kept changing his mind. Finally, out of exasperation, he yelled, "Make 'em both!!" My husband and I looked at each other and about died laughing. Guess what? He got both items for lunch!
This boy never ceases to amaze us. He is so intelligent, but he just can't get it out so the world can see. We see, however, and we thank God every day for blessing us with a very special child. - L.P., Kennesaw, GA

They say God only gives special kids to special people, and I really didn't think I was that special to get two of them! But my boys compliment each other well! Matthew keeps Justin physically active and mentally stimulated, and Justin aides Matthew's social abilities and really brings out his personality. They greet each other after school with big hugs - they are brothers AND best friends!!
My oldest son, Justin, is 5 ½ years old and has Down syndrome. He is in a Life Skills class this year, but after Christmas break he started integrating into regular kindergarten class for social times (centers, library, music, recess, etc.). This has helped both his speech and socialization. We just had his end of year ARD and I am very proud of several points. 1) He is scoring, on average, approximately a 4-year-old level academically. 2) He will remain in Life Skills as core class, but has been moved up to FIRST GRADE for inclusion opportunities. 3) Testing done indicated Justin scored 109 in SOCIAL SKILLS (normal range is 90 to 100). He is my social butterfly and everyone instantly falls in love with him. It is nice when I pick him up from school and several other kids from different classes run up to tell Justin "BYE." Everywhere we go, I see kids tapping there mom saying, "Momma, Momma - that's Justin!" He makes me very proud!
Outside of school, we are involved in Special Olympics. He has recently taken pictures on a police motorcycle to be used for fund-raising and at a law enforcement recruitment for personnel to participate in the annual "Torch Run." The Torch Run is law enforcement’s effort to support Special Olympics both personally and financially.
Justin and Matthew have learned to swim without any "floatie" assistance! They are even diving in the shallow end of the pool picking up objects off the bottom, and swimming greater distances underwater. They go swimming at least 2 or 3 times a day!